hippo man



Ankh is the angle at which your soul is weighed

color on the sound scale

sound on the color scale

density on the density scale

where density is the third component

created by the pi Ceeded two too

Someone who can apparently read Egyptian. Has pictures and does not just read off a wall but has apparently spent is entire life coming up with plausible transliterationzzz of the pictorgraphzzz printed in stone and all over the place in Ggypt where the big triangle buildings are falling into decay after sitting idle for a couple of thousand well check that  and all over the levant written by other groups of people in other languages 5000 years before now not a lot was different other than the copious burning of oil and the paying for electricity...there does not appear to be an electric tax yet there are copious records of other taxes of business dealings of dead beats and of dead people...

This gentle man is careful to explain that while there was a big deal made of embalming bodiezzz no one was thinking they had a chance of coming back and so the work that you did in this time on this blue ball was the thing that was to be attended to the living

There is an idea of a record and the record is a weight the weight is 

determined by a three fold process

 first you the liver of the life are to re 

collect memory of what exactly it was

 that this life was used for on a daily basis once one is capable of filling the pi hole and cleaning the anti pi hole and any other trail left behind a leaky bag of salt water being dragged along the living earth at a regular pace along with withstanding the buffetting of the cenrtipital forzzz as the blue ball of death is 24000 milezzz around and it takes 24 horus the God of going somewhere to go around one complete Zeuz the man who looks down between he dogs at she the woman walking to and fro as the wind doth blow turning salt into snow when the sea sounds low turning water into brine when the salt liquifiezzz the oppozizzzite ozfzfza ozyflaminazzzion cold fire that only heats up when the cifcle reachezzz triple density relative to the angular ankh of the nut the tune that never shut up you nit nut

Yeah the Nut is the tune in other words the frequency of the wave you have left on the blue ball of oh yeah the other thing the blue ball of death is spinning around mommy the birther of babiezzz in three plus four to make a week where names can seek solemnity sancitiy wize as planets have no mind only mines aka the entire sur{scar} face where each orb holds on to a little more of this than that and as the spin spunzzz arounzzza round heat source in the middle of the pin the pin the tail on the donkey game or was that musical chairzzz well whatever there is a big swap meet going on well basically is does not go off

and given that there are three to five things everywhere the common three are the ones to look to to find out what the in is in here




Any other bright ideazzz? No I didn't think so that is what is 

everywhere observable detectable traceable at three different levels of gnomoning color angle density here now...

Light does not  shine so brightly when there is nothing but light in the lightbox then there is chaozzz too much of a good thing is too much

When a match is lit the density of the three wize men is not the most relevant question unless frank english sense is zzzooommmeeezzziiinnnggg

and my rh izzz anozzzzaaa because any gold bug living knows what gold is and what gold is good for and what gold is used to symbolize and what is symbolized by gold and where gold will get you and where you will get with gole and what to goal when the gaol is the boot or the nick or the home away from home that homiezzz hang together in when the thin is the skin and the out is the in...

A match is lit salt burns hot for a second as a small amount of friction causes enough electricity to light a densly packed pack of salt solution on a stick to get her act together and her show on the road and boom fire...